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The best import export plugin for WordPress & WooCommerce.

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How to Import WooCommerce Data from CSV, Excel, and XML

To import WooCommerce data from CSV, Excel, or XML, go to All Import › New Import, choose your import file, and select the WooCommerce data to import. Use our Drag & Drop tool to map incoming data elements to their target fields, then run the import.

To demonstrate, we'll show you how to import WooCommerce customers in this guide.

Table of Contents

Advanced Topics

Step 1: Create New Import for WooCommerce Data

Navigate to All Import › New Import in the main WordPress menu, select or upload your import file, then pick WooCommerce Customers from the drop-down list.

Import WooCommerce Data Create New Import

Click Continue to Step 2.

Step 2: Review the Import File

The Review Import File screen appears, where you can check to ensure that WP All Import has correctly interpreted your file.

Import WooCommerce Data Review Import File

You can also add filtering options in this step if you want to filter the customers to import, this is done under Manage Filtering Options. Once done, click Continue to Step 3 to proceed.

Step 3: Map Incoming Data Elements to Target Fields

You will now see the Drag & Drop screen, where you can map the incoming data elements to their WooCommerce customer fields. Simply drag & drop the data from the panel on the right to the correct fields on the left.

The first section is Customer Account Info, which contains the main customer information:

Import WooCommerce Data Customer Account Info

Further down, the Billing & Shipping Info and Other Customer Info panels let you map the rest of the customer information.

Import WooCommerce Data Import Other Fields

After completing this process, click Continue to Step 4 at the bottom (not shown).

Step 4: Configure Settings and Run the Import

Next up is the Import Settings screen, where you define options and settings for the import. First, click on Auto-detect to define a unique identifier for the import. Below this, you can define how the import behaves when it runs again.

Import WooCommerce Data Configure Settings

You also have the following panels near the bottom:

  • Email Notifications For Imported Customers: Enable the option inside this panel to avoid sending the default WordPress email notification to imported customers.
  • Scheduling Options: Lets you set up different ways to schedule the import.
  • Configure Advanced Settings: Includes various import settings and options to configure, such as records per iteration or the friendly name for the import.

For this example, leave these panels with their default selections.

Click the Continue button to move to the next step. You'll then see the Confirm & Run screen, where you can review an Import Summary.

Import WooCommerce Data Confirm and Run Import

If everything looks okay, click Confirm & Run Import. Once the import completes, the screen will update as follows:

Import WooCommerce Data Import Complete

To import other types of WooCommerce data, see the information in the next sections.

Import WooCommerce Products

The steps to import WooCommerce products are essentially the same as importing any other post type. The import fields themselves will be different, but the other parts of the import function the same way, i.e., you upload the import file, map the product fields, then run the import.

The following documentation provides additional instructions:

How to Import WooCommerce Products from CSV and XML

How to Import Variable Products in WooCommerce

Import WooCommerce Products with Images

Import WooCommerce Orders

Again, the process is the same. See:

How to Import WooCommerce Orders

Import WooCommerce Coupons

How to Import WooCommerce Coupons

Import WooCommerce Reviews

How to Import Reviews to WooCommerce

Import WooCommerce Products from CSV, XML, Excel

  • Product variations & attributes
  • Price & stock
  • Images & galleries
  • Scheduled imports

Import WooCommerce Data — Advanced Topics

Keeping the Same IDs When Importing WooCommerce Data

When importing WooCommerce data, our plugin will treat each record as new when inserting it into the database, meaning it will be assigned a new ID. However, you can modify this behavior using custom code (see documentation) and our API (see documentation). Here are the available snippets:

Importing Data in the Correct Order

If you wish to import multiple types of WooCommerce data, make sure to import WooCommerce products and customers first, followed by coupons, reviews, and orders. If you adhere to this sequence, WP All Import will help you maintain the relationships between different data types even if you can't preserve the original IDs.

How to Filter WooCommerce Import Data Successfully

Filters can be added in Step 2 using the Manage Filtering Options panel. These filters let you control which WooCommerce records get imported.

A filter is composed of an Element (from your import file), a Rule (to apply), and a Value to filter. For example, when importing WooCommerce customers, you can choose the country as the element to import customers from the US only.

Once the filter is added, click Add Rule and then click Apply Filters To XPath to apply the newly created filter. This is what the result looks like:

Import WooCommerce Data Add Filtering Options

WooCommerce Data Not Imported Correctly

In some cases, you may encounter problems importing your WooCommerce data. For example, when importing WooCommerce variable products, there can be issues with adding the variations correctly. If this happens, double-check our documentation to ensure you're setting up everything as expected.

If you're unable to figure out the issue, try to replicate your import and any problems in our sandbox environment (https://www.wpallimport.com/debug/). Then, just contact our support team and include the sandbox site URL and a brief description of what's wrong. You can contact Support by emailing us at [email protected] or using this form: /support.

Import WooCommerce Data — Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Import an XML File Into WooCommerce?

  1. Create a new import via All Import › New Import.
  2. Upload your XML file with your WooCommerce data.
  3. Select the correct WooCommerce post type.
  4. Edit the import template and drag and drop your import fields.
  5. Run the import and verify your imported WooCommerce data.

The steps to import an XML file into WooCommerce are essentially the same as described in the guide above.

How Do I Import a CSV Attribute into WooCommerce?

  1. Go to All Import › New Import and upload your CSV with attributes.
  2. Choose Taxonomies from the drop-down list.
  3. Locate your desired attribute and continue.
  4. Drag and drop the import fields to map the term's information.
  5. Run the import and verify the newly imported attribute.

We explain more about importing taxonomy data here: How to Import WordPress Categories and Tags.

How Do I Schedule WooCommerce Data Imports?

Assuming that you obtain your WooCommerce data from a URL or from an S/FTP source, you can schedule the imports using our available options to automate them. The following methods are available:

  • Automatic Scheduling Service. This is an optional and paid monthly subscription that allows you to schedule imports from within WP All Import's interface. See Automatic Scheduling.
  • Manual cron jobs. These are configured via your web host in cPanel or Plesk. See Manual Scheduling.

What Add-Ons Do I Need to Import WooCommerce Customers?

To import WooCommerce customers, you need to have both the WooCommerce Import Add-On and the User Import Add-On active on your site, along with WP All Import.

Import WooCommerce Data — Related Docs

Explains how to import WordPress posts.

An overview that leads to documents on all types of image imports.

Describes how to import Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), including all of their field types.

Explains how to import Gravity Forms entries.

Shows how to import WordPress users, including how to handle encrypted password data.

An overview of how to configure recurring imports.

Learn how to export WordPress and WooCommerce data.

Oxygen Builder's review of the four best plugins for WordPress imports.

Import WooCommerce Data — Related Videos

The best import export plugin for WordPress & WooCommerce.

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  • Users
$693 If Purchased Individually
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Import + Export Pro Package
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  • Gravity Forms
  • Users
  • Export Pro
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  • Woo
  • ACF
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  • JetEngine
  • Gravity Forms
  • Users
$1386 If Purchased Individually
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WooCommerce Import Package
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  • Gravity Forms
  • Users
  • Export Pro
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  • Woo
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  • JetEngine
  • Gravity Forms
  • Users
$198 If Purchased Individually
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  • Gravity Forms
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  • Export Pro
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  • Woo
  • ACF
  • Meta Box
  • JetEngine
  • Gravity Forms
  • Users
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  • Export Pro
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  • JetEngine
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  • Users
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  • JetEngine
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  • Export Pro
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  • Gravity Forms
  • Users
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Pro Package
per month, billed annually
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  • Woo
  • ACF
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  • JetEngine
  • Gravity Forms
  • Users
  • Export Pro
Export Add-Ons
  • Woo
  • ACF
  • Meta Box
  • JetEngine
  • Gravity Forms
  • Users
$693/yr If Purchased Individually
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  • JetEngine
  • Gravity Forms
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  • Export Pro
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  • Woo
  • ACF
  • Meta Box
  • JetEngine
  • Gravity Forms
  • Users
$1386/yr If Purchased Individually
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WooCommerce Import Package
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  • Woo
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  • JetEngine
  • Gravity Forms
  • Users
$198/yr If Purchased Individually
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  • Export Pro
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  • Woo
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  • JetEngine
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  • Users
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  • Export Pro
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  • ACF
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  • JetEngine
  • Gravity Forms
  • Users
  • Export Pro
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  • Woo
  • ACF
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  • JetEngine
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